Monday, February 25, 2013


Today is Day One of the nutritional challenge at my gym and I am feeling it.  Oh man I want all the bad things, all of them but instead I am eating a cucumber.  That's right a freaking cucumber.  I feel pretty solid on sticking with it though.  Yesterday I did the dunk test which measures body fat etc.  I took a body fat test in 2011 so since then I've dropped about 14% body fat and increased lean muscle mass by thirty pounds.  The dude administering the test asked me immediately if I played collegiate or competitive sports.  I laughed and said why and he said "Normal people don't have this much lean muscle mass."  I walked back in the gym a little shell shocked because I assumed my numbers would be the same as last time and I was honestly just hoping they weren't worse.  Anyway, that's all I've got in the tank today. Laters

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh the Run

Yesterday I met with one of the coaches at my box to talk about Pose running or running with a forefoot strike as opposed to the heel.  My goal with running is not only to increase my endurance and have better health, but I've also signed up to do a 6k in June with some friends.  Anyway in preparation for that I've really got to get my run on.  I found a pretty nifty Couch to 5k program that I'm going to use.  However, in all my research of running I've found it's way more efficient and less taxing on the body to strike the ground with the ball of your foot.  So now I'm looking into that as well.  For now the plan is to continue with the running plan, which only calls for three workouts a week, and with the other four days focus on improving my technique and transferring to a forefoot strike.  I've got to have two cavities filled today, so hopefully after that I will still feel like working out a bit.  

The workout last night was....

Strength WOD:
4 sets of:
Back Squat 5-6 reps 20x1 (weight should be very tough working sets)
(Rest 2 minutes)
Bent over Barbell Row 8-10 reps
(Rest 2 minutes)
Conditioning WOD:
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
200 Meter Run
20 Jumping Lunges
20/10 Push-Ups

The weight part was good, we worked squats at 135 lbs which was challenging thanks to the tempo.  The barbell rows could have easily been heavier, I think the weight was 70lbs the last two sets.  The conditioning WOD kicked my ass, running and lunges are not my movements let's say that.  My push-ups are better, but man I need to work on lunges more.  Perhaps as part of my warm up I'll throw some sets of walking lunges in.  Anyway, after the WOD I went to sushi with my gym girls and as always that was a lot of fun.  

Side note this video cracked me up earlier in the week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lean for Life

Yesterday was the kickoff meeting for the Lean for Life Nutritional Challenge at my gym.  We got a lot of information, maybe more than we needed at first.  It doesn't officially start until next Monday, I thought it would start today so I'm just going to get a head start.  Each day is broken into small goals and as we meet each one we get a point.  This may seem childish but damn I am excited.  I do well with checklists.    The first homework assignment is to keep a food journal.  Already, I'm noticing that I don't eat right when I wake up, so something to change.  The majority of the my gym friends are doing the challenge too, so it will be nice to have that support.  Tonight's challenge is to start cleaning out the fridge and pantry.  I realize I live with other people who don't eat as healthy, but man I think there is some rotting food in our fridge. We'll see how it all goes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Morning Glory

Doing this in the morning is so much easier than trying to do it at night.  Anyway, tonight is the official start of the nutritional challenge at my gym.  I'm a wee bit nervous but I've been gradually easing myself into the paleo lifestyle these last few weeks so I think the complete switch won't be too bad.  However, I already know I'm going to miss cheese and alcohol. The challenge is eight weeks and includes a body fat dunk test at the beginning and end.  As of right now, I plan on doing the whole thing strict paleo, minus three dinners that are already planned, but even then I plan to do as best as possible.  I don't necessarily need to be super skinny, I just want to get rid of the belly!!!!!!!!!!!

My test is less than two months away now.  I've still got to submit the application but I should be doing that at the end of this week.  I've been trying to slowly chip away at the material during the week and then spending hours on the material over the weekend.  The only resources I've got are some study questions and some indexes to help break it down.  Hopefully, I become familiar enough with the books to do well.  I'll have more time to study at work as soon as I finish up the paperwork side of a project.  

I'm still not exactly where I want to be with school, I'm on time with all of my assignments and quizzes but ideally I'd like to be ahead of schedule to give myself a buffer zone in case anything should come up.  Next Tuesday my second class starts...eeek.

My budget this month is looking spot on at this point.  Hopefully, I don't blow it over the last ten days.  What, I haven't done is write down all my expenses on a spreadsheet.  At some point I will do that and then I'll know truly how well/bad I've done.  If I go over budget the plan is not to rob savings to cover the gap.  Anything over will be deducted from the next month's budget.  I think if I do go over in February, I'll more than make up for it in March, I've literally got nothing going on.

Yesterday, I had to workout twice!!!  I'm still hellbent on making commitment club, which means that this week I'll have to workout six times, and I can't use Friday and probably not Thursday.  First I did the gym's WOD,

Strength WOD:
Six sets of:
Shoulder Press x 2-3 reps @ 20x1
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.  Use this time to work on hip mobility

Conditioning WOD
Four round for time of:
10 Push Press (115/75)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Double-Unders

For the warm-up we did a ridiculous amount of single jump ropes, which I'm counting as a drill/practice for running...woot, woot. I PR'd on the should press with 100 lbs :).  For the conditioning WOD, I used a 12 inch box and did 90 singles instead of the 30 double-unders.  I don't remember how long it took me and I forgot to write it how, but I think it was in the 12-15 minute range. After that I did this WOD from Renegade Rowing, 

"Clean Your Erg!"
For Time
500m row, 5 Cleans (155/105), 5 Push Ups
400m row, 6 Cleans (135/95), 6 Push Ups
300m row, 7 Cleans (115/85), 7 Push Ups
200m row, 8 Cleans (95/65), 8 Push Ups
100m row, 9 Cleans (95/65), 9 Push Ups

That was a beast that I finished in 16:59. I was sweating like it was going out of style.  But I actually really enjoyed it.  Plus, one of the girls at the gym who is a beast and incredibly fit said my push-ups were looking good.  It's the little things that make you feel happy, haha.

After working out, I took my mom to sushi because she is leaving town for a week :(.  Anyway, my whole family has been raving about this new sushi place that is all you can eat.  I was pretty excited to go and oh man, it was absolutely disgusting.  I'm getting a bit nauseous writing about it.  

All in all, yesterday was good I accomplished everything I set out to do, I even did some finger exercises on the guitar before I went to bed!!  

Wander on my friends, wander on.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Starting Over

I took some time to readjust my life once school started and also to refocus my energy as I've been a bit scatterbrained lately. I've had a crazy couple of weeks trying to find my balance and now I think I've got it. So I'm redeclaring my goals and shuffling around the emphasis.

  • First the biggest priority in my life would be my job.  Without it I would not get to do pretty much anything else.  So with that in mind, goal number one is to study for my state licensing exam and to submit the application for said exam this week.
  • Second is school.  I want to obtain a BS is Civil Engineering and am taking two classes this semester to ease back into school.  I want to get As in both classes, so I've definitely got to stay on top of them.
  • Three to stay on budget and be ready to purchase property by July of this year.  I think with the state of our government and economy the best way I can set myself up for retirement and for my future family is to buy an income property.
  • Four to eat clean.  I'm not going to beat myself up if I have an event or go out with friends, but it's time to start treating my body better.
My next few goals are something I want to strive for but if the first four and more important goals are being compromised, then these ones will go right out the window.  No guilt and no shame. I list them here in no order of importance.

  • Practice guitar every day even if it's just five minutes.
  • Try and improve my running, which physically is my biggest weakness.  If I can't get out there and go on a run, then I can practice drills at home.
  • Make commitment club at the gym.
  • Be an NSO for roller derby.  I really want to play roller derby but do not have the time for that kind of commitment but I can at least be involved and volunteer.
  • Blog on a regular basis.
I don't want to overwhelm myself and I don't think I have, but I've definitely got to work on my discipline.  I get everything done but not in a timely fashion.  Also, I'd like to try and see friends more often because sometimes when I've got a lot going on I tend to forget about the people who care and that's not exactly fair to them.  Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow.

Until then, wander on my friends, wander on.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I started classes last week and have yet to find the balance....  As for all my goals they went right out the window as my life got a little messy - typical me.  I'm going to give myself some major leeway until Saturday, but Saturday I will be dialed in.

Monday, February 11, 2013


As usual, I forgot about this thing.  Anyway, where to start.  Friday I started my first class.  Orientation dragged on and on, actually it probably wasn't too bad but I had somewhere to be so you know how that goes.  After I met my friend Brooke and we went to a roller derby league info night, I want to do this very badly, but I have no time until after April/May.  Hopefully next year the timing will be right.  Saturday was a bore I worked all day then had some pho and went to bed.  Sunday was better.  Started off with some Bunco and Brunch and finished off with a chocolate and beer pairing.  I sucked across the board on all of my Feb goals :).  The happy face is because I don't care right now.  I did run yesterday and will be running on a more regular basis since I have procured the pepper spray....why pepper spray? Because in the last few weeks the police have caught two separate burglary groups in the YL and even though I doubt they'd have any interest in my fat ass running down the sidewalk, I'd just feel more comfortable.  That's it.  Later ya'll.